Presenting the Plan

On May 29th, 2009, at a regularly scheduled board meeting NICTD approved “entering into a memorandum of understanding with the city of Michigan City to move the South Shore tracks, now down the center of 10th and 11th streets, to the south side of those streets.” (Chesterton Tribune, 6-1-2009)  The project is expected to cost $65 million dollars including land acquisition. An alternative plans to route to the south was reported to cost $65 million plus land acquisition (and would cause operational problems for the railroad). Another alternative to route to the north would cost at least $200 million and include a bridge over Trail Creek.

The Michigan City News-Dispatch also wrote an article about the topic on June 5th (link).

This plan was met with some surprised in Michigan City as many took the articles as meaning the slight realignment was a “done deal”. The city had not responded to the memorandum and many councilmen were caught off guard when their constituents asked them about it. (Michigan City News-Dispatch, 6-18-2009)

The northern bridge route has resurfaced in the debate (Michigan City News-Dispatch, 6-28-2009) More information on the northern route can be found at .