Bids sought for NICTD study

From The News Dispatch:

The Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District has started reaching out to consultants to begin a $1 million study of potential South Shore Line routes.

NICTD spokesman John Parsons said Thursday he hopes NICTD and the city will have a consultant selected by the end of March to study four routes through town.
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According to the scope of services described in the request for proposals, the city and NICTD want the study to result in a recommended, preferred alignment.

The study will consider four routes: two northerly routes, a new 10th-and-11th Street route and a southerly route.
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The request for proposals states consultants should be able to deliver: a description of each alternative, a report evaluating the alternatives, an alternative analysis report that includes a preferred alignment, a document identifying next steps for the project and descriptions of public outreach.